NAICS for Offices of Optometrists

What is the NAICS code for the Offices of Optometrists industry?

The NAICS codes associated to the Offices of Optometrists industry are 62132 and 621320.

That is, any industry or business that performs activities related to Offices of Optometrists shall be classified with NAICS 62132 or 621320.

What are the most frequent activities in this industry?

The most common types of activities that are classificated like Offices of Optometrists industry are:

  • Doctors of optometry (ODs) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)
  • ODs' (doctors of optometry) offices (e.g., centers, clinics)
  • Optometrists' offices (e.g., centers, clinics)

NAICS Code Offices of Optometrists

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