NAICS 71394
What is the NAICS code 71394?
The NAICS code 71394 is applied to those industries related to Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers.
Description of the industry is the same as 713940.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under category 71394 in the North American Industry Classification System.
This industrial activity of NAICS code is structured as follows:
- 71 - Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
- 713 - Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries
- 7139 - Other Amusement and Recreation Industries
- 71394 - Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers
Characteristics of the North American Industry Classification System code 71394
This NAICS code is used in the trilateral agreement of the three members of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Related codes
There are no cross-reference for the NAICS industry 71394.
Related activities
Below are some of the most common types of activities in the Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers industry (NAICS Code 71394).
- Aerobic dance and exercise centers
- Athletic club facilities, physical fitness
- Body building studios, physical fitness
- Dance centers, aerobic
- Exercise centers
- Fitness centers
- Fitness salons
- Fitness spas without accommodations
- Gymnasiums
- Gyms, physical fitness
- Handball club facilities
- Health club facilities, physical fitness
- Health spas without accommodations, physical fitness
- Health studios, physical fitness
- Ice skating rinks
- Physical fitness centers
- Physical fitness facilities
- Physical fitness studios
- Pilates fitness studios or centers
- Racquetball club facilities
- Recreational sports club facilities
- Rinks, ice or roller skating
- Roller skating rinks
- Spas without accommodations, fitness
- Sports club facilities, physical fitness
- Squash club facilities
- Strength development centers
- Swimming pools
- Tennis club facilities
- Tennis courts
- Wave pools
- Weight training centers
- Yoga fitness studios or centers