NAICS 712110
What is the NAICS code 712110?
The NAICS code 712110 is applied to those industries related to Museums.
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the preservation and exhibition of objects of historical, cultural, and/or educational value.
Illustrative examples:
- Art galleries (except retail)
- Planetariums
- Art museums
- Science or technology museums
- Halls of fame
- Wax museums
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under category 712110 in the North American Industry Classification System.
This industrial activity of NAICS code is structured as follows:
- 71 - Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
- 712 - Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions
- 7121 - Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions
- 71211 - Museums
- 712110 - Museums
Characteristics of the North American Industry Classification System code 712110
This code is only used in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). It´s to say, it is not used in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Related codes
The NAICS industry 712110 has the following cross-references:
- Commercial art galleries primarily engaged in selling art objects are classified in Industry 459920, Art Dealers.
- Establishments primarily engaged as independent museum exhibit designers are classified in Industry 711510, Independent Artists, Writers, and Performers.
- Establishments primarily engaged in the preservation and exhibition of historical sites are classified in Industry 712120, Historical Sites.
Related activities
Below are some of the most common types of activities in the Museums industry (NAICS Code 712110):
- Art galleries (except retail)
- Art museums
- Community museums
- Contemporary art museums
- Decorative art museums
- Fine arts museums
- Galleries, art (except retail)
- Halls of fame
- Herbariums
- Historical museums
- Human history museums
- Interactive museums
- Marine museums
- Military museums
- Mobile museums
- Multidisciplinary museums
- Museums
- Natural history museums
- Natural science museums
- Observatories (except research institutions)
- Planetariums
- Science and technology museums
- Sports halls of fame
- Traveling museum exhibits
- War museums
- Wax museums