NAICS 61111
What is the NAICS code 61111?
The NAICS code 61111 is applied to those industries related to Elementary and Secondary Schools.
Description of the industry is the same as 611110.
Therefore, all companies engaged in any industrial activity related to this type of business are grouped under category 61111 in the North American Industry Classification System.
This industrial activity of NAICS code is structured as follows:
- 61 - Educational Services
- 611 - Educational Services
- 6111 - Elementary and Secondary Schools
- 61111 - Elementary and Secondary Schools
Characteristics of the North American Industry Classification System code 61111
This code is only used in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). It´s to say, it is not used in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Related codes
There are no cross-reference for the NAICS industry 61111.
Related activities
Below are some of the most common types of activities in the Elementary and Secondary Schools industry (NAICS Code 61111).
- Academies, elementary or secondary
- Boarding schools, elementary or secondary
- Charter schools
- Elementary and secondary schools
- Elementary schools
- Finishing schools, secondary
- High schools offering both academic and technical courses
- High schools offering both academic and vocational courses
- High schools
- Junior high schools
- Kindergartens, combined with preschools
- Kindergartens
- Middle schools
- Military academies, elementary or secondary
- Montessori schools, elementary or secondary
- Parochial schools, elementary or secondary
- Preparatory schools, elementary or secondary
- Primary schools
- Private schools, elementary or secondary
- Public schools, elementary or secondary
- School boards, elementary and secondary
- School districts, elementary or secondary
- Schools for the intellectually and developmentally disabled (except preschool, job training, vocational rehabilitation)
- Schools for the physically disabled, elementary or secondary
- Schools, elementary
- Schools, online, elementary- or secondary-level (through a website or mobile application)
- Schools, secondary
- Secondary schools offering both academic and technical courses
- Seminaries, below university grade